What is Rehab Technology
High intensity or many repetitions, but, more importantly, repetitions of the correct movement. This can be very time consuming and labour intensive for a clinician hence the introduction of specialist rehab technology.
This technology does not replace the need for a skilled clinician, it augments the treatment by enabling many specific repetitionious movements, thus increasing dosage greatly.
Clinical Specialists
We have clinical specialists on staff that know and use the products that we sell in their daily practice.
Latest Rehab Technology
Lyncare are constantly pushing the boundaries of rehab treatment in Ireland, introducing clinically proven technology at the leading edge of rehab treatment.
Asset Management
Lyncare support all the products we offer for the duration of their lifecycle, through manged service contracts and maintenance contracts.
Exclusive Partnerships
All our partners and suppliers work exclusively with Lyncare in Ireland providing us with the technical and marketing support to service all our customer needs.
One Stop Supplier
Our extensive range from consumables, plinths, & gym equipment, right up to FES systems & robotic gait trainers, means we can cater for individual pieces to full fitouts.
Education & Training
We can provide detailed technical and clinical training on all products to ensure biomedical engineering and clinicians alike fully harness the functionality of their equipment investments.